Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Golden Triangle

I was a bit lukewarm on Golden Triangle, in a review up today at Dusted.
Golden Triangle, out of Memphis but lately residing in Brooklyn, make the kind of fuzzy, female-fronted garage rock that is not exactly scarce these days. The energy level on Double Jointer (their first full-length after a string of singles and an EP on Mexican Summer) is high, and that goes a long way. Still, it’s not clear that there’s much here besides raw energy. The production values are low and many of the songs aren’t much more than a shout, a riff and a muffled Bo Diddley beat. The songs are fun in a fizzy, party-in-a-box, ephemeral way, but nowhere near as interesting as those of similarly structured (part-female, double-guitared, 1960s-inspired) Fresh & Onlys.


“Neon Noose”

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